| 1. | One that models the future as a linear sequence of events 把未来当作为事件的线性序列的模型 |
| 2. | To a linear sequence of bytes 平面化为一个字节的线性序列的过程。 |
| 3. | An estimation of upper bound for linear complexity abut linear sequences 线性序列线性复杂度均值的一个上界估计 |
| 4. | Meaning is captured in a linear sequence of a few simple symbols arranged in a precise order 要传递的信息包含在由排列有序的简单符号所组成的线性序列中。 |
| 5. | In this article , we will only consider the temporal logic that models the future as a linear sequence of events 在本文中,我们将只考虑把未来当作为事件的线性序列模型的时态逻辑。 |
| 6. | Serialization is the process of converting an object or a graph of objects into a linear sequence of bytes for either storage or transmission to another location 序列化是将对象或对象图形转换为线性字节序列,以存储或传输到另一个位置的过程。 |
| 7. | Unicode consists of a linear sequence of a little more than 1 million numbers , each of which is able to map to a character that is a part of a script Unicode由略多于1百万个数字的线性序列组成,每一个数字都可以映射到成为脚本的一部分的某一个字符。 |
| 8. | Job sequencer supports the execution of linear sequences of tasks that would otherwise be performed individually , which enables predefined workflows to be executed Job sequencer支持任务按照线性顺序执行,否则它们只能单独执行任务, job sequencer允许执行预先定义的任务流。 |